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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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InSight Lander: Huge reservoir of liquid water beneath the surface of Mars. It can fill an Ocean

NASA has discovered a huge reservoir of liquid water beneath the surface of Mars. It is so much that it can fill an ocean. There...

Monkeypox has become the most dangerous disease, how dangerous is this disease for India? Keep an eye on these 5 initial symptoms

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a big warning regarding monkeypox. WHO has declared it a 'Public Health Emergency of International Concern' (PHEIC),...


ISRO: How India Became a Space Powerhouse | India’s Journey to the Stars

About ISRO (Indian Space Agency)ISRO, or the Indian Space...

Gaganyaan-1: India’s First Uncrewed Test Flight for Human Spaceflight

Gaganyaan-1Gaganyaan-1 is a milestone mission for India’s ambitious Gaganyaan...

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The Evolution of Chatbots: How AI Transformed the Way We Talk to Machines?

The Evolution of ChatbotsChatbots are computer programs that can interact with humans using natural language, such as text or speech. Chatbot have...

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Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

Aditya L1: India’s First Mission to Study the Sun

The Sun is the most important star in our...

India’s PSLV to launch ESA’s Proba-3 satellites in 2024 to study the Sun.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced that its...

NISAR: A Joint Mission of NASA and ISRO to Monitor Earth’s Dynamic Changes

NISAR is a satellite mission that stands for NASA-ISRO...

Shukrayaan: India’s First Mission to Venus

Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is often...

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The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: A Must-See Phenomenon for Millions of People

On April 8, 2024, a rare and spectacular phenomenon will occur in the sky: a total solar eclipse. This is when the Moon passes...

ISRO: How India Became a Space Powerhouse | India’s Journey to the Stars

About ISRO (Indian Space Agency)ISRO, or the Indian Space Research Organisation, is the national space agency of India. It is one of the most...


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NASA’s Hubble Finds Water Vapor in Small Exoplanet GJ 9827d Atmosphere

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Earendel : The Farthest Star Ever Seen from The Hubble Space Telescope

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NASA’s IXPE Mission: Exploring the Secrets of Black Holes, Neutron Stars, and More

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